Thursday, January 22, 2009

Barack Obama Change Gon Coma

Well it's finally upon us. The moment many have been waiting for years for. A african american in the white house used to be a ridiculous idea that was laughed at by the masses. And now, it's reality.

This past Tuesday president-elect, Barack Obama, became president of the United States. The whole day was filled with excitement. You could feel the energy in the air. School had t.v's throughout the building so people could watch the passing of the torch from Bush to Obama. There were some dull moments but it was enough to keep me on my toes.

The hostess, senator from cali, was good. The pastor who prayed, also from cali, did an exceptoinal job. I enjoyed seeing the Obamas chillin in the audience. I felt like Barack looked mad nervous when he was walking out. Aretha Franklin sang a patriotic song which left more to be desired. My girl Beyonce killed her performance of "At Last" which the Obamas danced to at their nieghborhood ball. However, I wasn't feeling her dress.

The next day rumors spread about how the person swearing in Barack messed up and therefore techinically he wasnt pres. The haters called shananigins but in the end nothing was changed and Obama didnt have to re-take the vow.

It's crazy to think about the struggle black people have been through in this country for hundreds of years. For a partly black man to be running this country, and possibly be the most powerful man in the world, speaks volumes about how this nation has changed. There is alot of pressure on him. If he doesnt deliver some type of change the nay-sayers will win and have an excuse to say "see, we knew he wasn't going to change anything". But I believe in Obama and I'm hoping these next 4 years are the shit

Friday, January 9, 2009

The Blllloooogggeeerrrr

When Ms. G introduced this blogging thing I wasn't about it. I couldnt think of anything to write about and the things I did write about I didnt think anybody would care to hear about. But after I started blogging I, for the most part, feel the same way. Yeah it was a good idea to blog becuase you could get your feelings out on certain things but at the end of the day I just felt like I was whining abuot random stuff in my life that nobody would really be interested in.

Tattoos: Works of Art or Works of Ugly?

With my 18th bday fast approaching I've been thinking a lot about getting a tattoo. I've always thought tats where the ish and I knew I was gonna get one. But I didn't know what, and still don't. After thinking about it I decided my first work of art will be in honor of my hometown, Rochester. But will I like that for the rest of my life????????

I've been seeing mad old people lately tatted up. And becuz they had there tattoo for so long it looked really bad. It was usually blurred and you couldn't read if their were any words in it. Or it was in honor of something they believed in years ago they don't believe in it after growing older. What if this happens to me.

I think its really dumb was kids my age or younger get tattoos. If you really wanted something mad hot that you've always wanted wouldn't you wait to get it professionally done when you get 18???? That's what I'm doing fo sho and I cant wait

Monday, January 5, 2009

With a New Year Comes New Changes

Everybody and their moms have new years resolutions. "I wanna loose weight, I'm gonna stop worrying, I'm gonna save money". And we all know that people usually dont keep to what they promise. But this year, THIS 2009, I've got some changes coming.

The main thing I wanna work on this year is being honest to myself. Even if it means not getting along with other people. Basically I'm just gonna keeps it real. If I dont like somebody, I'm not going to interact with them. Of course it's easier to be nice to people which I do alot of the time. However, if I dont need to associate myself with anything or anybody I don't like, I won't.

Don't get me wrong I'm not just going to be mean just to be mean. I realized that I talk about poeple but then the very next day have conversations with them. I'm over that. There is not going to be anything fake about me. If I feel a certain way about somebody I'm going to stick by that opinion morning, noon, or night. I don't have anybody in mind in particular its just a revolution I've come to.

Even though we are only 4 days into the new year, I'm feeling great about 2009 already. I feel mad grown up. This is probably because I am graduating this year. But whatevs I'm bout to make this year the best I can!